Graphite Design Tour AD shafts just keep on winning on all of the major tours. The term AD means Accuracy and Distance and that seems to be what is the key difference maker for all players. While the recent introductions of the MT, MJ, GT, M9003 and the new GP have leveraged new technology in composites, it seems like the Tour AD DI and DJ are still winning the most. The DI (Deep Impact) is a mid to mid-high launching shaft that is very popular with our stronger golfers in both the 60 and 70 gram weights. The DJ is a mid-high to high launching shaft for golfers that like a little more height for more distance but still has a very stable feel. Both of the shafts are what I refer to as a two-piece shaft that gives you a little “kick” at the bottom of your swing. Because of the wide variety of flexes and weights in all of the Tour AD shafts, it is easy for us to fit every golfer regardless of strength or playing level. In our fittings we are getting our golfers the most consistency, accuracy and distance for their swings, right up the Tour AD alley! For more on these shafts, click this link:
Dan Sueltz