Golf Digest and their team spent countless hours testing over 300 clubs to come up with the 111 that made their 2015 Equipment Hot List. The question I have for you is…was it worth it for you and does it influence your buying decisions? Our last poll showed that most of you (53%) don’t really follow what the tour players are playing and do not use that information in their purchasing decisions. Maybe the Equipment Hot List is different?
We think the testing is the most thorough of any company in the industry. The other unique thing is that the equipment is evaluated for Innovation – 30%, Performance – 45%, Look/Sound/Feel – 20% and Demand – 5%. Literally any legitimate company in the golf industry can submit clubs for testing so don’t think this is a biased sample. So, if you have not already taken a look at the 2015 Golf Digest Equipment Hot List, go here. If you have, or even if you didn’t bother, answer our poll on this page.
Dan Sueltz