We are looking for most improved golfers! And, let me tell you, there are many of you out there. Tell us your story from the 2016 season and get a load of pride, not prize! The picture at the left is of Sherry Andonian-Smith who won the PGA Colorado Section Championship this year, the first female to do it! We have heard stories, and published them, of our golfers winning their club championships, high school championships, college championships and more. And, every time we ask them their secret it is through hard work, practice and consistent equipment. Take Josh Cassaday, who in early 2016 had never competed in a Long Drive contest and made it the World Long Drive Championships where only 80 qualified! And Candace Meyers dropping her handicap from 7 to 4 and winning TWO club championships. And, Luke Trujillo winning the Colorado Boys High School 4A championships.
I am sure there are many of our golfers that had similar big improvements in their games this year. When we conduct our fitting ng interview with our golfers, we ask them if they want more distance, accuracy or consistency. Now everyone wants more distance, but the overwhelming answer is consistency. What we hear from our golfers is that the consistency of their equipment has helped them develop a more consistent golf game. And when you trust your shots, you have more confidence!
So tell us your story! We never get tired of hearing them.
Dan Sueltz