Over 90% of golfers are playing with the wrong equipment. And 92% of golfers that are custom fit SEE AN IMMMEDIATE IMPROVEMENT according to a research study conducted by Sports and Leisure Research Group.
Groundbreaking research shows custom fitting helps golfers play better and have more fun on the golf course
(ORLANDO, FLORIDA- January 27, 2011) – A new, wide-ranging study reveals a golfer’s natural ability and swing are not the only things holding them back; 90 % of US golfers may be playing with clubs that do not fit them properly. Nearly 6,000 avid golfers across the country took part in the survey. The findings show players who were custom fit using advanced technology such as launch monitors, saw scores improve, hit the ball more accurately and had more fun playing golf than golfers who were not custom fit. The findings were unveiled Thursday afternoon at the PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando, Florida. “This study is a wake-up call for every golfer who wants to get better. We spoke to thousands of golfers coast to coast and the majority had no idea of what true custom fitting is all about and how it can shave strokes off of score cards,” said Jon Last, President of Sports and Leisure Research Group, which conducted the research. “The magnitude of the differences in perceptions between those fit and not fit was among the most significant I’ve observed between two test populations in my 20+ years of researching American golfers.” The highlights of the research findings include:
92% of those golfers who were custom fit for their new equipment on a launch monitor realized immediate benefits with their new equipment.
80% of custom fit golfers hit the ball more accurately and consistently.
Those golfers who were custom fit were 22% more likely than those who were not to notice a significant improvement in their scores (two strokes or more per round and were 56% more likely to see their scores go down by more than five strokes per round).
Those golfers who were custom fit were 57% more likely than those who were not to strongly agree their new equipment purchase was “the best that they had ever made.”
Those golfers custom fit on a launch monitor were 42% more likely to complete their equipment purchase faster than those who were fit in other ways (and 17% were more likely to buy their equipment on the same day that they were custom fit).
Custom fit golfers spent 78% more than those who were not custom fit.
69% of custom fit golfers surveyed bought equipment immediately after the process.