Fall 2023 Indoor Golf League

IG Champions Indoor Golf League Fall 2023 | D'Lance Golf

D’Lance Golf proudly announces the FALL 2023 Indoor Golf League, “IG Champions,” starting October 1, 2023. Hosted at D’Lance Golf Performance Center, this league is set to be the best indoor golf league in the Denver area, with big payouts. Weekly and full-season cash payouts and prizes, for low team net and CTPs and big cash payouts for end of season playoffs. It’s even better that your summer 9-hole leagues.

Step 1: Please register your two player team.

Step 2: Pay your league fees.

Each player must pay their league dues prior to league start. Indoor Practice Members save $150 for bay time fees. See options for Indoor Practice Memberships.


Fall 2023 IG Champions League Rules

  • Teams: 10 2-person teams comprised of an A Player and a B Player. Players must be 18-years or older.
  • Format: 2-person team best ball stroke play. 8 weeks of regular season play. 3-weeks single elimination tournament for all teams. See format details for specifics and examples.
  • Payouts: Multiple cash/ gift certificate payouts are eligible weekly, end-of-season, and for playoffs. Payouts are dependent on the number of participating teams, below payouts are based on 10 teams.
    • Weekly Payouts: $25 are given for each Closest-to-the-Pin (CTP) on par 3’s. Payouts are also given for low net score (1st – $100/team, 2nd – $50/team, 3rd – $20/team). Ties will split payout – see ties details. Weekly payouts are accumulated and can be “cashed-out” on this schedule:
      • First ½ season payouts: can be “cashed-out” after Week 4 concludes.
      • Second ½ season payouts can be “cashed-out” after Week 8 concludes.
    • Regular Season Payouts (based on total points earned): 1st Place – $500/team. 2nd Place – $250/team. 3rd Place – $100/team. Payouts can be “cashed-out” after Week 8.
    • Playoff Payouts (based on single-elimination matches): 1st Place – $750/team. 2nd Place – $400/team. 3rd & 4th Place – $200/team. Payouts can be “cashed-out” after the conclusion of the Playoffs.
  • Prizes: Additional random drawing prizes will be awarded after Week 4 and after Week 8. At a minimum, two $100 gift certificates to D’Lance Golf will be awarded. Additional prizes may be donated by other sponsors.
  • League Fees:
    • Indoor Golf League Fees (per player): Total of $250 for Indoor Practice Members. Total of $400 for Non-members. Fees are inclusive of base league fee, weekly prize money of $15 per week and bay time fees.
  • Scoring: All gross scores are captured as played within Trackman. 1-putts are AUTO-FIXED for putts inside of 8 feet. 2 putts are AUTO-FIXED for putts outside of 8 feet. No mulligans permitted and will be blocked in the system. Shots that do not register can be replayed with no penalty. Players must play out every hole, even if a player is “out of the hole” already. Equitable stroke handicap adjustments may be applied.
  • Handicaps: League will use Trackman handicaps. See handicap details for players without Trackman handicap.
  • Play Times: Reserved league time is Tuesday evenings from 6:00pm – 10:00pm. Team 9-hole play will take less than 1 hour. Should a team NOT be able to play on the designated league night, contact the league manager Joe Kroog so that you can play your round prior to departing.
    • Indoor Practice Members can also book league play Sunday – Friday, 24-hours/ day as long as the bay is not already occupied.
    • Non-members can ONLY book league play during normal business hours (Monday – Saturday, 9:00am – 4:00pm).
    • D’Lance Golf reserves the right to reschedule league play booked outside of reserved league time should a normal business operation require it. D’Lance Golf team will notify team members by email should a reschedule be required.
  • Tees: All Male players play from the Blue (or equivalent) tee per golf course. All Female players play from the White (or equivalent) tee per golf course.
  • Leaderboard: Weekly scores, payouts and rankings will be displayed in the bay area for completed rounds.

2-player Team Best-Ball Stroke Play Rules

  • Each player plays their own ball and must play out the hole. Trackman will automatically record gross and net scores on each hole.
  • Final team score is lowest net score for a single player on the 2-player team.
  • Net team score is determined by a single player’s best gross score (minus) Trackman hole handicaps. Hole handicaps are assigned a single stroke at a time to the hardest holes first. Net team score is totaled for all 9 holes.
    • Player B has a 9-hole handicap of 12. They receive 2 handicap strokes on each of the three hardest of the 9 holes and 1 handicap stroke on the remaining 6 holes. Player A has a 9-hole handicap of 2. They receive 1 handicap stroke on the two hardest holes (handicap ranked 1 hardest to 18 easiest).
    • Hole #1 (a par 4) is the 3rd hardest hole for the 9-holes. Player B scores a 6 for a net score of 4 (-2 handicap strokes given). Player A scores a 5 for a net score of 5 (no handicap stroke given). The team net score is 4 for the hole.
    • As a team, they net score 4, 3, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4, 3, 3 for a total net team score of 35 (-1 under par).
  • Top 8 teams advance to 3-week single elimination playoffs. Should one of the top 8 teams elect to not participate in the playoffs, the next ranked team will be invited to participate.

Additional Rules for 2023 Indoor Golf League:

  • Ties: In the event of a tie, those teams will split the payout and points for that place and the subsequent place or places (based on the number of teams that tie).
    • if two teams tie for 1st place, those teams split 1st and 2nd place payouts and points The next lowest score team will receive 3rd place payout and points.
  • Alternates/ subs: Each player is responsible for finding their own substitute/ alternate player. Original absent player is still responsible for all league and bay time fees.
  • Teams of one: If only one original team player is playing, that player can play both shots but will receive a handicap of 0 for the second player. (Reason: it is advantageous to be able to hit the same shot twice, thus wiping out all handicap benefits).
  • Handicaps: Trackman Indoor Golf System handicaps will be used each week and will adjust weekly. If a Trackman IGS handicap is not established, first alternate is a GHIN/USGA handicap. Second alternate handicap is calculated once player has completed at least two weeks of league play and a handicap can be calculated. Third alternate handicap is a default handicap of 4.5 will be used until the player has established a Trackman IGS handicap.
  • Payment: All payments must be completed prior to the start of league play per the payment schedule. For any players past due, scores will not be counted until payment is up-to-date.
  • Cancellations: Team cancellations 7-days prior to the start of league will be refunded their league fee less any non-refundable transaction fees. Team cancellations after the start of league play and prior to week 3 will be subject to full payment of first 5 weeks of league fees. Team cancellations after week 3 are subject to full payment of all 10 weeks of league fees.
  • Gambling/ side bets: D’Lance Golf is not responsible for any gambling including side bets. Any gambling/side bets is the sole responsibility of those teams involved.
  • Facility Rules: All facility rules must be adhered to. Be respectful to others. Failure to do so may result in expulsion from the league and no refunds.

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